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  • Our Learning

    June 2020

    Updates Week Beginning Monday 1st June 2020

    This is an exciting time for Year 6 as they prepare for a very different type of Leavers Celebration. Please check your Year 6 Class page for more information from Miss Swords.

    Our School Games Organiser has been working hard to create new virtual My Personal Best Challenges. You can take part by visiting 

    Our unique area code for registering is hamstead This code is unique for our area, so please don't use any other codes that you may come across.  You can find more information about this under the Sport and Well-being area of the website.

    Updates Week Beginning Monday 8th June 2020

    This is our final week of the Learning Projects that we have shared on our website. From Monday 15th June work will be uploaded weekly by your class teacher. Make sure you visit your class page to find your work. Thank you for all the super work you have sent in so far- your teachers have loved hearing from you! Please continue to email your work and messages to your year group email address. 

    Updates Week Beginning Monday 15th June 2020

    Your weekly home learning can now be found on your class pages. Thank you for all the super work you have sent in so far- your teachers have loved hearing from you! Please continue to email your work and messages to your year group email address. 

    Our blogs are looking very sad and empty at the moment! If you would like to write a blog about your lock down experiences or on theme that you feel passionate about please email your blog to Mrs Freeman at and it will feature on our website! Use the word 'blog' in the email subject. 

    Updates Week Beginning Monday 22nd June 2020

    Work continues to be added to your class pages from your class teachers. Remember, we continue to take part in the School Games online challenges. You can register at with the invite code hamstead . It would be wonderful to see St Mary's children on the leader board! 

    Updates Week Beginning Monday 29th June 2020

    Your weekly work from your teacher has been uploaded to you to your class pages. Remember, we continue to take part in the School Games online challenges. You can register at with the invite code hamstead . It would be wonderful to see St Mary's children on the leader board! This week's theme is Rugby