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St Mary's C of E Primary

Academy and Nursery

We grow together in our faith and aspirations.

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Children's Mental Health Week

Monday 1st February 

When children are feeling anxious about a situation, planning activities can help to engender a feeling of control. Today's activity promoting mental health is all about creating choices.

Dealing with Anxiety

Don't worry about printing anything. Using paper or your homework book, make your own set of choice cards. Think of activities that you like to do on your own and with people in your household. Over this week, try to do some of the activities that you have chosen. Send us an email to share what you have been doing. 

Tuesday 2nd February

Today's work for children's mental health week is all about self esteem. Self esteem is about an individuals view of themselves and their abilities. Today's activity will help children to think about positive aspects of themselves and their abilities.

Don't worry about printing anything - draw your own garden with flowers/trees of different heights - just like those in the picture. Read the activity instructions and add your own labels to your picture. 

Wednesday 3rd February 


Today's activity for Children's Mental Health Week is all about worries and sadness. The focus is on helping children to develop a strategy to deal with things that worry them or make them feel sad. 

Today we are asking children to write down what makes them feel anxious or sad on pieces of paper or in their homework book. The children are then asked to draw/make a bag or box to put these concerns into. Please do not worry about printing any of the material - it is there just to give the children some ideas. 

Thursday 4th February

Today's activity for children's mental health week is all about developing strategies to manage difficult emotions. 


Today we are asking the children to think about all of the things that make them feel happy, by responding to a series of questions. There is no need to print any of the material - the children can make their own set of happy cards on a piece of paper or in their homework book or the children can answer the questions verbally, talking  with an adult in their household.  

Friday 5th February 

For Children's Mental Health Week today, the focus is all about changing negative thoughts into positive thoughts. 

It is not necessary to print out the attached PDF file. Use the ideas to help your child to think about looking at the positive aspects of difficult situations. Children can record their on paper or in their homework books. This activity could be undertaken as orally. 

Additional Activities for Children's Mental Health Week 2021

Here are some additional ideas to use at home to support children's mental health.