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St Mary's C of E Primary

Academy and Nursery

We grow together in our faith and aspirations.

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P.S.H.E - Express Yourself


For today's lesson you are going to be exploring your thoughts.


1. To warm up we are going to start with sharing our likes, dislikes and something about you! Have a go at finishing these sentences:

  • My favourite colour is ...
  • One food I don't like is ...
  • If I had an hour of free time then I would ...
  • Something you might not know about me is ...
  • When I am older, I would like to ...


2. I would now like you to imagine that you are stuck on a deserted island for a day (don't worry, a ship comes to rescue you) but for now I would like you to have a think about these questions:

  • What food would you like to find on the island?
  • What music would you like to hear playing?
  • How would you spend your day?
  • If you could have any art materials with you, what would they be and what you would make?



Everyone thinks differently and has different likes and dislikes. There are no right or wrong answer. I look forward to seeing what you have written 


