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St Mary's C of E Primary

Academy and Nursery

We grow together in our faith and aspirations.

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Art Competition

Hello year 5 

An exciting task for you this afternoon, you have the opportunity to be apart of an amazing competition set by the Art lead Mrs Jagpal.  She has left you some instructions for you to follow. Have  a look at the booklet below to complete your entry for the competition. 


Message from Mrs Jagpal


Please have a look through the information pack for some ideas that you can use in your  design. You can use any materials that you have at home. Send a photo of your entry to your teacher using your class email by Friday 5th March to be included in the competition. There will be a lot of amazing prizes to win!


If you need any help or further information, contact Mrs Jagpal


l look forward to seeing your lovely art work. 

Love from 

Mrs Jagpal
