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St Mary's C of E Primary

Academy and Nursery

We grow together in our faith and aspirations.

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Spring 1

Hello Year 5!

Please continue to practice your weekly spellings, we will be testing you each Friday as normal from a pre-recorded video starting from Week 2 next week.


 We now have a Year 5 You Tube Channel! We will up load some of our lessons on here. We will also upload videos of the PowerPoints with sound for those children whose devices won't allow then to listen to the sound bites on power points.


 You can complete your work by printing the worksheets provided or you may wish to use: a sheet of paper, homework books or re type up on word. For PDF flies you may see on the website - mainly for maths please use the same technique we would use in school by using the worksheet to then do the questions on paper.  If you do the work on paper please take pictures of your work and send them via the email below.


Note to parents: We kindly request that  when sending in your children's work via the email address above, please put their name in the subject box and class. We also request if you could try send all of their daily work in one email as it is easier to give feed back. 


Lots of love Miss Hira and Miss Sullvarna - Hall smiley
