School Logo

St Mary's C of E Primary

Academy and Nursery

We grow together in our faith and aspirations.

School Logo

Contact Details

Head Teacher: Mrs Booker
Chair of Governors: Mr R Paton-Devine (can be contacted at the school address)


SENCo: Mr Taylor 

Contact Us:

St Mary's C of E Primary Academy and Nursery

Hamstead Road



B20 2RW


Telephone: 0121 554 3751




Please send general enquiries to Miss Lee Francis (Senior Office Secretary). 


The school office will be able to assist you with general enquiries and will forward your enquiry to the relevant person in the event that they are unable to assist. Please discuss any enquiries about your child with the class teacher in the first instance.  Appointments with the Assistant Heads, Deputy Head and Head Teacher can be made, where necessary. The complaints procedure can be found in the policy section of this website.


If you require a paper copy of any of the documentation from our website please contact the office team.

Contact Us

For information about the Fioretti Trust please visit

Head of Fioretti Trust: Claire Grainger

Chair of Fioretti Trust: Giles Allen

The Fioretti Trust 


Company number: 10347700


Registered Office:

St Francis Primary School and Nursery 

Teazel Avenue



B30 1LZ


Contact number 0121 459 5548


The trust is registered in England 
