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St Mary's C of E Primary

Academy and Nursery

We grow together in our faith and aspirations.

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Monday 8th February 2021



L I I understand what a fraction is and how to represent them in different formats.

Well done to those of you who have completed and sent work in. We are responding to your emails.


For this topic we are looking at fractions. We have touched on them during the last topic on multiplication and division. I am sure that you can see there is a strong link between the two topics; it is most important that you learn your tables and apply them appropriately to the questions. Please go onto Time table Rock Stars to practice your tables. Miss Hira and Miss Sullvarna-Hall have ensured that you have maintained your knowledge of the time tables by setting you a weekly ‘times table speed test’-some of you have said that you have enjoyed them.


For the first few days of this topic, we will recap and revise fractions, skills you will need to answer questions. Therefore, we would like all children to have a go at all questions.

The format is the same; video, teacher’s slides, work sheets and answers. We may, on occasion add more resources.

We look forward to seeing your work.


Miss Hira and Sullvarna-Hall

Spr5.4.1 - What is a fraction
