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St Mary's C of E Primary

Academy and Nursery

We grow together in our faith and aspirations.

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W.B 11.01.21

Alive in 5! Day 1

Seaside Day 1

Seaside Explained (Day 1)

Look at the engaging beach-themed image, which has a range of number bonds 2,3, 4 and 5 hidden inside it. Children can find the different number bonds in the picture. Children can then write the number sentence they have found. 

For example, I can see 3 flags and 2 red buckets.

3 + 2


Session 2 Activity Day 2

Session 2 Activity Day 2

    Activity 2: Dots activity explained

- How many dots can children see?

- How do children see them?

- Can children talk about the different ways 4 and 5 are shown?

This activity can also be used to encourage children practise subitising (identifying how many dots there are without counting them).

Session 3 Activity Day 3

Session 3 Activity (Day 3)

Frogs Activity

Do not worry if you can not print and cut the frogs. This is what you could do.

-You can use objects and arrange them in different groups.

-You could draw some frogs on paper, cut them out and arrange them in different groups.

Session 4 Activity Day 4

Activity 4, Day 4

Number activity explained

You could read these number stories or make up your own number stories to 5. You can use objects too.

Activity 5, Day 5.

Children to practise exploring this part-whole number bonds to 5. Children will use dots

as visual representations of number to find the missing part to make 5.

You can draw this

part-whole method on some paper.

Maths Challenge, Optional

Begin by singing a simplified version of the rhyme 'Ten in a Bed' by starting with five teddy bears in the bed. You could create a small world version of the rhyme for children to explore by placing five teddy bears in a cardboard box bed. Children to sing the rhyme again and move the bears as they fall out of bed. Each time encourage children to count how many bears are in the bed, how many have fallen out and how many there are altogether. Refer to worksheet below,  'maths challenge' and children can record their findings on some paper.

Maths Challenge
